Hi, I’m Linda Cochran.
I offer private one-on-one yoga sessions in the comfort of your home or via Zoom. The style of yoga I offer is Iyengar yoga which offers benefit to both the novice as well as the more advanced yoga practitioner. For the novice it is helpful as it moves at a slow pace, focuses on each individual pose and uses props to assist or to challenge you. It has focus on alignment, builds body awareness, mental focus, strength and flexibility and as a teacher I guide you with clear instructions.
For the more advanced practitioner it teaches you depth and clarity using verbal instructions, demonstrations and props to work towards more challenging postures and improved alignment. The props are furthermore used to help you achieve wonderfully supported, restorative poses to relax and renew.
I furthermore have experience working with disabled adults and offer yoga/movement and improved body awareness to people with disabilities.
Yoga can help you reconnect with yourself no matter what your starting point is. It can help you build up resilience, physically and mentally, so that you can better face the challenges of life. I can help you do just that through this wonderful practice.
I take bookings for in-person session in the Morristown, Madison, Chester, Mendham, Basking Ridge, Bernardsville and other nearby areas in Northern New Jersey.
Does Yoga have to be fast-moving and sweaty?
Does yoga have to be fast moving and sweaty to give you “a good workout”? I don’t believe that to be the case. On the contrary, I think, a slower style of yoga has huge benefits. A slower style gives us a chance to observe the subtleties within. It gives us a chance to build greater self-awareness and to notice the stimuli originating from the interior of our body. Slower and more mindful movements can help us decrease stress and inflammation in the body. It can help us build a more resilient nervous system. Most importantly, it may also prevent us from injuring ourselves.
Iyengar Yoga is a Steady, Mindful Practice with Props when needed
In Iyengar yoga we build up familiarity with the poses through slow, methodical sequences that increase awareness of the movements. In this way your flexibility and strength increase over time and you are not exposed to poses that are too difficult too early on. Props are used to make yoga more accessible while ensuring proper body alignment. As we align our bones and joints properly we use less muscular effort, creating a better sense of ease, stability and balance within our bodies and minds. In this way you can enjoy the practice at any age and still challenge yourself safely. Props are also used for the advanced student to continue building body awareness, to help build further strength in the strive towards more advanced poses in a safe manner.
Will this Style of Yoga Challenge You Physically?
Will you be challenged physically with a slow-paced yoga style? YES, YOU WILL! Just because there is less movement and flow in the practice does not make it less challenging. Your entire body will be moved and challenged through a wide variety of poses and movements. Both your mind and body will be challenged to find the subtler movements within. If you look up BKS Iyengar, who was the founder of Iyengar Yoga, you will see him perform some amazingly difficult poses. However, poses do not have to be advanced and difficult for you to be challenged. When we really look closely we can find challenges in the very basic poses.
However, the steady progression and sequencing that build up your body intelligence, strength, flexibility and mental focus is the real beauty of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar classes will usually be split into different levels, from gentle (senior classes), beginners to more advanced students.
Now does that sound more like your style of yoga?
Book a session with me and see what you think.