My Yogic Journey

I took my first yoga class in 1997. It was Iyengar yoga and I fell in love with it. Later when I moved from Denmark to the US I joined an Iyengar studio in Madison, NJ and my yoga journey took off. I started teaching in 2014 and finally obtained my Iyengar Yoga Certification, Level 1, in 2019.

I now teach regular classes and private sessions at various locations around the Morristown, New Jersey area (click here to see my class schedule). I also teach movement to developmentally disabled adults and wheel chair bound students at the Wae Center in Livingston. This led me to take further training with Matthew Sanford who is a strong voice in teaching yoga for disabled.

My learning always continues through new avenues. Over the years I have taken various workshops on scoliosis and back issues with very well-known and competent teachers. This year, 2024, I am exploring this in much more detail and personally training with Deanna Sidoti from Dhyana Yoga Arts in Chester. At this studio I also teach a fun sling and ropes class.

I am thankful to the many teachers that have shaped me and my learning over the years. As my dear and late mentor, Theresa Rowland from Studio Yoga would say: “We must continue to learn and grow so we can be in service of others”

My Main Certifications

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, CIYT – Level 1

To become eligible to take the Iyengar Certification you need to have studied a minimum of 3 years (used to be 5) with a certified Iyengar teacher

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYT) are educated in the method of yoga set forth by B.K.S. Iyengar. They have passed a thorough standardized assessment and maintain ongoing education, practice, and commitment to the Iyengar method.

To be granted a certification credential, teachers must pass an assessment of standards in three categories: a demonstrated practice of asanas and pranayamas, a written exam, and demonstrated teaching skills.

The B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS) carries out all assessments for Iyengar Yoga teachers in the United States.

500 RYT Yoga Alliance Accredited

YACEP – Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider

CIYT - Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher through IYNAUS (Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States)
RYT 500 - Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher at the 500 hour level
YACEP - Continuing Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

Backcare and Scoliosis

  • 2023-24 – On-going back and Scoliosis training with Deanna Sidoti from Dhyana Yoga Arts in Chester, NJ.
  • 2023 – 20 hours of Yoga for Scoliosis with Elise Browning Miller
  • Scoliosis and the Nervous System with Deborah Wolk, C-IAYT from Samamkaya Yoga Studio, NYC – 15 hour
  • Back care and Scoliosis – Elise Browning Miller, CIYT and C-IAYT – 6 hours and Rachel Jesien – 6 hours.
  • Various Back Care Workshops and assisting in classes– Many countless hours over a 6 year period with Theresa Rowland at Studio Yoga, Madison, NJ. – how to modify and teach for back issues.
  • Developing and maintaining Spinal Health with Bernie Clark and Dr. Stuart McGill, 8 hours offered through Yoga International.

Yoga for Disabled

  • 2022 – 30 hours of workshop with Matthew Sanford – Teaching yoga to people with physical disabilites and wheel chair bound students.
  • Other Workshops over the years….
  • Hip Stability and Mobility – Many hours over a 6 year period assisting in specialty classes. And various workshops over the years with Senior Iyengar Teachers.
  • Experiential Anatomy with focus on Pelvis with Patricia Videgain, CIYT – 6 hours.
  • Pre-and Post Menopause focus with Bobby Clennell, Senior CIYT from NYC – 6 hours.
  • Restorative/Pre-and Post Natal work (2014)- 7 months of assisting a Senior Iyengar Teacher and Dula in a weekly group class.
  • Explorative Asana and continued teacher education with many national and international Senior Iyengar Teachers over the last decade for a combined 100 or more hours: Stephanie Quirk from Australia, Arun from India, Gabriella Guibilaro from Italy, Lois Steinberg from the US and Lauren Blakeley from the US.
  • Hundreds of mentorship hours (2016-19) Teacher Training and asana practice with Amy Hamilton, Senior Iyengar teacher.
  • Yoga philosophy (2021) – “Patanjali’s sutras that can help us feel calm and centered in times of crisis” by Gitte Bechsgaard, Vidya Institute, California.
  • Yoga philosophy (2024) -15 hours of Bhagavad Gita studies with Graham Schweig, American Scholar of comparative theology of religion and the history of yoga and Bhakti.
  • And to many workshops to even mention here…..